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Library Collection Reports

We frequently receive requests from academic departments for library collection information related to their specific subject area to complete program accreditation reports, prepare proposals for new programs, or other program reporting needs.

Gathering this information on particular a subject area can take some time for the Collection Services Unit. To provide adequate time to prepare this needed information we request you allow for a three week turnaround to supply the information needed. 

Here is sample list of information we can provide:

 Information on subject areas is gathered based on Library of Congress Classification

  • Total number of print books

  • Total number of e-books

  • Total number of print journals

  • Total number of e-journals

  • Total number of databases

  • Total number of multimedia materials (DVDs, Streaming Videos, recordings ,etc.)

  • Total amount of expenditures in subject area for the previous fiscal year

  • Amount of expenditures on books/multimedia for the previous fiscal year

  • Amount of expenditures on continue resources for the previous fiscal year 

If you have a particular form or format for the data please let us know at the time of the request. You can make the request for this information through your assigned subject librarian